Bathing should make the body fresh and clean. But if after bathing the skin feels itchy, of course it will be very annoying. Well, identify the causes and how to overcome them through the following description.
Skin itching after bathing is a common thing. This could indicate a health problem or it could be caused by the wrong way of bathing.
Various Possible Causes of Skin Itching After Bathing
Some possibilities that cause itchy skin after bathing are:
1. Soap that is not right
The first thing that can cause itchy skin after a shower is the use of shower soap that is not right. Harsh soaps with chemicals, such as sodium lauryl sulfate or perfume, can cause dry skin and cause itching on the skin.
2. Very dry skin condition (xerosis)
Dry skin or xerosis can be one of the causes of itchy skin after bathing. Dry skin can be caused by inappropriate use of soap and bathing habits or soaking in warm water for a long time.
Bathing in warm water for a long time can remove natural oils from the skin. This triggers itching and irritation on the skin.
In addition to skin itching, xerosis is usually accompanied by symptoms of itchy skin, scaly, red skin, and pain in the feet or hands.
3. Water energy (aquagenic urticaria)
Aquagenic urticaria is a rare type of skin allergy. Patients with this condition will experience a reddish rash shaped like a hives that feels itchy when exposed to water.
4.Aquagenic pruritus
Aquagenic pruritus is a skin disease characterized by the appearance of itching after the skin after contact with water, without accompanied by sores on the skin. This condition can also be a sign and symptom of a disease, such as polycythemia vera, juvenile xanthogranuloma, myelodisplasia syndrome, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and hepatitis C.
5. Cholinergic uricaria
Itching of the skin due to cholinergic urticaria is usually triggered by several conditions, such as bathing habits using warm water, exercise, and eating spicy food. In addition to itchy skin, cholinergic urticaria can also be associated with symptoms of asthma and low blood pressure.
How to deal with skin itching after bathing
When you experience itchy skin after bathing, you can treat it in the following ways:
1. Change bathing habits
If itching on the skin is caused by long periods of warm water bathing, you can slowly increase the temperature of the water used. Start with a temperature that is not too hot, then increase gradually to the desired temperature.
2. Change soap
Try changing the soap you use. Choose hypoallergenic soap or mild soap, without perfume, bleach or scrub. You are also recommended to use soap that contains moisturizer.
3. Apply moisturizer
To keep the skin moist, you can apply moisturizer while the skin still feels a little wet or moist. This method can lock in the skin's natural moisture and can reduce itching due to dry skin.
You are advised to use a moisturizer or cream that contains lactic acid. As much as possible avoid using creams or moisturizers that contain perfume and alcohol.
4. Sufficient fluid needs
Dehydration can cause dry and itchy skin. Therefore, do not forget to meet the fluid needs by drinking 8 glasses of water per day.
5. Take antihistamines
If itching is caused by allergies, you can relieve it by taking antihistamines. However, you should consult a doctor first before taking any medication.
Itchy skin after bathing will certainly interfere with your comfort, and can even cause sores and infections of the skin when scratched. If the itching does not go away even after using the methods above, you should see a doctor so that the cause can be identified and appropriate treatment is given.
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